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Dentist Edmond edmond ok dentist Dr. Mark J. Allen, Dr. Michael Hansen, Dr. Ryan Flake. Santa Fe Dental. Invisalign, Implants, Dental Orthopedics, Same Day Crowns, TMJ and Cosmetic Dentistry, Sleep Apnea, Preventative Dentistry, General Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Dentist Edmond, OK 73003

Top Dental Tips: Advice Straight From Your Dentist

Looking for a dentist in Edmond, OK? Maintaining good oral health is essential for a healthy and confident smile. While regular visits to the dentist are crucial, some daily habits and practices can significantly contribute to your oral well-being. Santa Fe Dental is a trusted dental practice in Edmond, OK, where Dr. Mark Allen and Dr. Michael Hansen offer expert advice and care. Here are some top dental tips straight from your dentist that can help you achieve optimal oral health. Santa Fe Dental in Edmond, OK, is a trusted dental practice where Dr. Mark Allen and Dr. Michael Hansen provide their patients with comprehensive dental care and guidance. By following these top dental tips straight from your dentist, you can maintain excellent oral health and achieve a beautiful, confident smile. Your Top Dentist in Edmond, OK Proper oral hygiene practices, a balanced diet, regular dental check-ups, and following the advice of your dentist are crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. Santa Fe Dental, led by Dr. Mark Allen and Dr. Michael Hansen in Edmond, OK, is committed to providing expert care and guidance to help you achieve a healthy and vibrant smile. Implement these dental tips into your daily routine and enjoy the benefits of improved oral health. Schedule an appointment today!

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Dentist in Edmond

Toothbrushing Do’s and Don’ts

As your dentist in Edmond will tell you, toothbrushing is one of the most important habits you can develop to maintain marvelous oral health. Regular toothbrushing helps to remove plaque and food particles from the teeth and gums, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.  However, not all toothbrushing methods are created equal. Let’s discuss the dos and don’ts of toothbrushing to ensure that you’re taking care of that beautiful smile. Do Brush Twice a Day Let’s start with the basics: brush your teeth twice a day, probably once in the morning and once before bed. As you know, brushing helps to remove plaque and food particles that accumulate on the teeth and gums throughout the day. Brushing with a toothbrush and dentist-approved toothpaste twice a day establishes a daily oral hygiene routine. By brushing in the morning and before bed, you’ll keep your mouth clean throughout the day. You’ll also keep your Edmond dentist happy. If you can squeeze in a third brushing session after lunch, that’s great too! Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle from your teeth and gums. Gently clean each tooth with a short back-and-forth motion. And make sure you get the front, back, and chewing surface of each tooth. Do Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush Select a toothbrush with soft bristles. Hard-bristled toothbrushes can be too abrasive for the teeth and gums, causing damage to the enamel and increasing the risk of gum irritation and bleeding. No fun. Soft-bristled toothbrushes are gentle on the teeth and gums, making them a better choice for regular brushing. Do Brush for Two Minutes Brush for at least two minutes each time you brush. Two minutes seem like an eternity the first time you track it, but it’s essential to take the time to brush each tooth thoroughly. Try using a timer to keep track of your brushing time, or listen to a song that’s about two minutes long. Songs are especially helpful to keep kids brushing for the entire time. Don’t Brush Too Hard Even when you’re using a soft brush, be careful not to brush too hard. Brushing too hard can cause damage to the enamel and increase the risk of gum irritation and bleeding. To avoid brushing too hard, use a gentle circular motion, making sure to not to apply too much pressure. Your dentist in Edmond can tell you: if you notice your bristles bending and wearing out before three months, ease up on the intensity.  Don’t Brush Immediately After Eating or Drinking Acidic Foods Wait 30 minutes after eating or drinking acidic foods before brushing your teeth. (Yes, that includes your morning coffee.) Acidic foods and drinks can soften the enamel, making them more susceptible to damage. Brushing your teeth immediately after drinking a can of pop will wear away at enamel. And you can’t get that back. Don’t Forget Your Tongue Bacteria can accumulate on the tongue, causing bad breath and potentially contributing to gum disease. Use your toothbrush or a tongue scraper to take a few moments to clean your tongue. Simply brush or scrape your tongue gently, making sure to remove any plaque or food particles.  Don’t Share Toothbrushes Sharing toothbrushes can increase the risk of spreading germs and bacteria. Especially not during cold and flu season. (Yikes!) Each person’s mouth is unique, and toothbrushes can collect bacteria and other particles that are specific to that person. Those aren’t things you want to share with loved ones, no matter how close you are. Edmond Oklahoma Dental Toothbrushing is an important habit that maintains oral health and prevents tooth decay and gum disease. You can effectively remove plaque and food particles by brushing twice a day and using the proper techniques. Sounds easy, right? It is, when you know what to do!Questions? Just check in with your Edmond dentist’s office at Santa Fe Dental. We’ll be happy to answer your concerns.

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Edmond dental office

Tips for Keeping Your Toothbrush Clean

In the fight against plaque and dental decay, a toothbrush is your most essential tool. While most of the patients at our Edmond dental office brush daily to keep their teeth clean, not as many clean their toothbrushes as regularly. Let’s look at the how and why you need to keep your toothbrush clean. Bacteria and Your Toothbrush Your mouth is host to millions if not billions of bacteria. When you brush your tongue and teeth, the food debris, bacteria, saliva, and toothpaste remain on your toothbrush. Studies have shown that even after rinsing a toothbrush off with water, it can still be contaminated with various microorganisms. Researchers say that thousands of different microorganisms can grow the bristles and handle of a toothbrush. While many of these organisms are harmless and grow naturally in the mouth, some can cause illnesses. Researchers say that no evidence suggests that using a toothbrush with normal bacteria will cause oral infections or other health problems. But it’s still a good idea to keep your toothbrush clean. After all, it goes in your mouth, so the fewer foreign substances, the better. How to Disinfect Your Toothbrush First, let’s start by saying you should never put your toothbrush in the microwave or the dishwasher. Both options may cause your toothbrush to melt or damage it somehow. Instead, try one of the following methods recommended by the dentists at our Edmond dental office: UV sanitizer. One study showed that an ultraviolet toothbrush sanitizer is more effective at cleaning a toothbrush than an antiseptic mouthwash or saline. A UV light would be the gold standard for keeping your brush clean, but it is a little bit of an overkill. Disinfecting solutions. Research has shown that soaking your toothbrush in a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution will kill lingering bacteria. To use and make this solution: Mix 1 teaspoon of peroxide with a cup of water Soak the bristles of your toothbrush in the solution for 15 minutes Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly in clean water before using If you decide to use this method, make sure you change the solution every day For a more straightforward solution, you can also disinfect your toothbrush was swirling it in an antimicrobial mouthwash for 30 seconds. If you don’t have mouthwash, you can mix two teaspoons of baking soda into a cup of water instead. Keeping Your Toothbrush Clean By keeping your toothbrush after each use, you reduce the number of bacteria that can build up to cause you trouble. Rinse with hot water. After brushing, take a few seconds to rinse your toothbrush with hot water. This will help to soften the bristles and release any lingering food particles or toothpaste. Rub your thumb over the bristles under the water, and then rinse the brush again in cold water so the bristles firm up. Air dry your brush. A moist environment promotes the growth of bacteria like mold. Studies have shown that toothbrushes stored in a closed container, travel case, or cover have more bacteria when compared to brushes allowed to air dry. Ideally, the best place to store your toothbrush is standing up with the bristles fully exposed. Tips Store your toothbrush away from the toilet. Fine droplets of toilet water are propelled into the air every time you flush the toilet. These droplets can linger in the air for up to two hours, and it’s best not to think too hard about what they may contain. If you can’t move your toothbrush far away from the toilet, always shut the lid before flushing to minimize droplet spread. Keep the area around your brush clean. It makes no sense to clean your brush if you lay it on a dirty surface once done. Use disposable wipes to keep the area around your brush free of dirt, dried toothpaste, and other slimy items that could contaminate. Change your brush every 2 to 3 months. Daily use will wear down your toothbrush, making it less effective at cleaning your teeth. It’s a good idea to change out your brush every 2 to 2 months. If you need a new brush, we can provide you with one during your next visit to our Edmond dental office.

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Santa Fe dental office

Vaping Poses a Serious Risk to Your Health

As more research about vaping emerges, it’s becoming clear that the habit no longer offers the safer alternative to cigarette smoking as e-cigarette manufacturers maintain. In fact, at our Santa Fe dental office, we would counsel our patients to think of vaping and smoking as equally bad for their health. In addition to vaping causing users to inhale toxic metals, a new study now suggests that if you vape, you may be seriously jeopardizing your bone health. Vaping a Dangerous Habit While the number of Americans who smoke has continued to decline in recent years, vaping as a habit has increased in popularity largely due to the product’s marketing pitch as a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes. However, in 2019 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hit the e-cigarette manufacturer Juul hard for making these erroneous claims. The agency questioned Juul for its practice of marketing their product as “modified risk tobacco products” since, as the science now clearly shows, it’s a controversial claim that’s not backed up by any solid research. In reality, numerous studies actually indicate that the opposite is true. While vaping may not have the types of direct cause and effect relationship with cancer as smoking, the habit is no less dangerous to a user’s health. Data now suggests a connection exists between vaping and a variety of health risks that include: ·  An increased risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, according to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. ·  An increased risk of heart problems, according to a study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. ·  A potentially higher risk for cancer due to the toxic chemicals used in vape pens, as reported by the American Lung Association. Based on this research, it’s clear why we recommend avoiding vaping to patients at our Santa Fe dental office. How Does Vaping Impact Bone Health? Traditional cigarette smoking is a well-established risk factor for the development of osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones and increases the risk of a fracture, according to the National Institutes of Health. In a recent study, published in the American Journal of Medicine Open, a team of researchers examined over 5,500 adults who vaped to determine whether the habit posed a similar risk. Their findings suggest that vaping “may be detrimental to bone health,” even in young adults. The study determined that individuals who vaped had a 46 percent higher risk of experiencing a bone fracture when compared to those who did not use e-cigarettes. The research team also discovered that individuals who both smoke and vape actually have a higher risk of experiencing a fracture when compared to those who just smoke. Vaping Undermines Your Oral Health When bones weaken, it’s more than just breaking an arm or a leg you have to worry about. Your jawbone works as the underlying foundation on which your oral health is built. When bone loss occurs in the jaw, your teeth may start to loosen and eventually fall out. As a habit, vaping not only attacks the foundation of your oral health, the harsh chemicals used in vaping liquids also destroys the soft tissue in the mouth. This combines to make vaping a serious challenge to your oral health. Not only does the habit weaken and destroy gum tissue, it also does the same to the jaw. This could lead to permanent tooth loss, troubling eating, or persistent oral pain. For patients who thought vaping offered a safer solution, don’t be fooled by the marketing. The habit can do some serious damage, not only to your smile, but your body as well. If you have any questions about the risks associated with vaping, make sure to ask for more information during your next visit to our Santa Fe dental office.

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dentist office near me

How Often Should You Really Floss?

You don’t need to search for a “dentist office near me” on Google to know the importance of a healthy, great-looking smile. At Santa Fe Dental, our doctors provide patients with quality dental care their teeth and gums need to look and feel their best. However, quality dental care alone won’t help patients to prevent common oral health problems like tooth decay and gum disease. Patients also need to practice quality oral hygiene at home if they want to continue having a smile they can confidently show. While most people make it a habit to brush their teeth at least once or twice a day, the majority of Americans skip out on flossing. Surveys conducted by the American Dental Association have shown that less than 50 percent of adults in the U.S. floss on a daily basis. Unfortunately, that means far more oral health problems and far more searches for a “dentist office near me.” Let’s take a look flossing, why dentists say you need to do it, and just how often do you need to floss to make a difference to your oral health. Why Bother Flossing in the First Place? Flossing ranks as such an important habit because it does things that brushing cannot. Namely, it allows you to clean those hard to reach areas between your teeth and below the gum line. These areas of the mouth account for nearly 33 percent of the total surface area. By not flossing, you allow nearly 1/3rd of your mouth to go uncleaned. When you fail to floss, you allow harmful oral bacteria to accumulate in the mouth. Plaque, a sticky biofilm comprised of food particles that linger in the mouth after eating and harmful oral bacteria, clings to the surface of your teeth and uses the sugars you consume to produce harmful acids that slowly erode tooth enamel. Given enough time, plaque contributes to the development of tooth decay and gum disease. If you don’t consider flossing important to the long-term health of your teeth, consider this important fact – The most common place in the mouth for cavities to develop is actually between a patient’s teeth, the exact area you clean when flossing. The Benefits of a Cleaner Mouth A healthy mouth requires maintaining the right balance of good and bad bacteria. Good bacteria can help with digestion, promotes stronger teeth and gums, and works to prevent disease. Bad bacteria work to destroy tooth enamel and gum tissue. When harmful bacteria are allowed to accumulate in-between your teeth and below the gum line, it begins to disrupt the balance of bacteria in the mouth. As plaque continues to buildup, your mouth will become far more susceptible to a variety of oral health problems. And since the mouth acts like a gateway to the rest of the body, the more harmful bacteria in the mouth the higher the risk becomes for you to develop a range of chronic health problems. Studies have shown that individuals dealing with tooth decay and gum disease have a far higher chance for developing such disease as diabetes, hypertension, dementia, and even cancer. So How Often Should You Floss? Ideally, patients will floss at least once a day. The best time to floss is at night before bed and before you’ve brushed your teeth. It’s important to floss before brushing, as brushing will help displace any of the substances you dislodge from between your teeth from your mouth. If you find it more convenient to brush at other times of day, that’s okay. What’s most important is that you floss at all, regardless of when and where. Flossing will keep you from needing to search for a “dentist near me” because you’re experiencing discomfort or problems with your oral health. If you have any questions about the importance of flossing, what the habit can mean for your oral health, or the best methods for flossing, feel free to ask any member of our team during your next visit to Santa Fe Dental.

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