Patient Education

dental office in Edmond, OK

How Smoking Impacts Our Oral Health

You don’t need to work in a dental office in Edmond, OK to know that smoking ranks as the most destructive habit a patient can have that threatens both their oral and overall health. Not only does smoking contribute to the development of cardiovascular and lung disease, but the habit also contributes to the development of chronic bad breath, tooth decay, plaque buildup, and gum disease. Patients who spend years smoking also have a higher risk of permanent tooth loss, a problem usually treated with the placement of a dental implant. Unfortunately for smokers, the risk of implant failure greatly increases for patients who smoke. This makes smoking a habit that not only destroys your oral health but makes it far more difficult to receive the right kind of care at our dental office in Edmond, OK. On the positive, the cessation of smoking significantly lowers a patient’s risk for developing not only lung and oral cancers, but oral health problems like gingivitis, periodontitis, and permanent tooth loss. If not yet convinced about the risk smoking presents to your oral health, here are some of the biggest effects smoking can have on your teeth and gums. Tooth Decay Research has shown that tobacco smoke contains around 7,000 different chemicals, including carbon monoxide, arsenic, cadmium, butane, acetic acid, acetone, lead, formaldehyde, tar, benzene, ammonia, and many more. Many of these toxic chemicals work to breakdown and destroy tooth enamel, making the teeth of smokers far more susceptible to the effects of decay. Others, such as carbon monoxide and arsenic, are deadly when ingested at a higher dose. If a patient has a higher risk for tooth decay, the higher their risk for permanent tooth loss actually becomes. Once a patient loses a tooth, the teeth that neighbor the gap in a smile will start to move into the now open space. As teeth move to fill the void, a patient can start to develop a misaligned bite that can make eating painful. As mentioned previously, many of the treatments we typically use to treat tooth loss – such as implants – at our dental office in Edmond, OK become less effective when a patient smokes. Gum Disease When combined with the irritation of gum tissue smoking causes, the chemicals found in tobacco can cause a degeneration of the bone structure and soft tissue that hold our teeth into position. Studies have also found that smoking impacts how the cells in gum tissue typically function. This interference increases a smoker’s risk for developing an oral infection like gum disease, while also impacting blood flow to the gums. A lack of proper blood flow makes it far more difficult for the body to repair the damage smoking causes to the gum tissue. Tooth Discoloration The tar and nicotine in cigarettes discolor the teeth of smokers more quickly than many patients may perceive. Smoking also creates an environment within the mouth that allows plaque to produce far more quickly when compared to nonsmokers. Not only does smoking encourage plaque growth, but the habit also makes plaque more resilient and more difficult to remove through daily brushing and flossing. When plaque builds upon the surface of our teeth, it hardens, becoming tartar, a yellowish substance that also works to discolor teeth and ruin the complexion of our smiles. Oral Cancer Every year in the U.S., oral cancer contributes to the deaths of over 13,000 people. When compared to other forms of cancer, oral has a far higher mortality rate than more common types of cancer, such as prostate and breast. One of the reasons why oral cancer has a much higher mortality rate is due to how late in the disease’s progression a patient typically receives a diagnosis. Research has found a connection between cigarette smoking and tongue cancer. Symptoms that typically begin as small white bumps that continue to grow when left untreated continue to become worse, causing the patient to finally seek out treatment. Only then do they realize a far more serious problem has developed. Fortunately, the majority of oral cancer can be easily treated when caught early on in their progression. But if a patient continues to smoke, the disease could spread to other parts of the body, including the lymphatic system.   Don’t allow smoking to ruin your oral health. Take the steps needed to cease this harmful habit. Your oral health will thank you.

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dental office in Edmond, OK

How 3D Technology Improves Dental Care

At Santa Fe Dental, we use the latest technology at our dental office in Edmond, OK to provide our patients with the outstanding care they need to enjoy a healthy, great looking for a lifetime. One of the tools we use to help improve patient care is the Gallileos 3D cone beam digital scanner from Sirona. This remarkable technology provides our dentists with an extraordinary amount of information they can then use to better diagnosis patients for a variety of oral health problems. Unless you work with this type of equipment firsthand, it can be difficult to fully understand how digital scanners can improve the level of dental care patients receive. After all, medical technology continues to progress at such a remarkable rate, and keeping up-to-date can prove challenging for patients who live busy lives. Let’s take a look at how digital 3D dental technology can help to improve your dental care. What is 3D Dental Technology? When treating patients, 3D dental technology provides dentists with far more information than what they once received using film X-rays of the past. Think of the difference like using a microscope instead of a magnifying glass. While both can provide you with a clearer picture of what you’re looking at, the microscope can delve far deeper into a particular subject. With cone technology, dentists can basically map out a patient’s mouth into a fully rendered 3D image. How is that beneficial? Well, it offers several advantages for the dentists at our dental office in Edmond, OK. First, 3D technology is far more efficient to use. Instead of requiring a patient to sit still while X-rays are taken and then developed, beam technology can fully map out a patient’s mouth in no time. Second, the technology offers far more precision. Not only do 3D images show the shape and health of a patient’s teeth, but it also shows how the teeth align with each other and where they sit in relation to their neighbors. Finally, using the 3D models created with a digital scan, our dentists can map out a more comprehensive oral health plan to better meet a patient’s needs. When it comes to the placement of a dental crown, bridge, or implant, this increased level of detail can go a long way towards ensuring a successful treatment. For example, digital technology allows our dentists to focus on one specific area of a patient’s mouth they’d like to examine, even if that area is as small a single tooth root. That kind of incredible detail can make all the difference when planning out patient care. When is Digital Technology Typically Used? At our dental office in Edmond, OK, we use the Gallileos 3D cone beam digital scanner for a variety of procedures that include: Cosmetic/Restoration. Cone beam technology helps to better prepare a patient for oral surgery or reconstructive therapy by giving the dentist a better ability to effectively plan complex treatments. These treatments can include bone grafts, root canals, and even the placement of inlays and onlays. Orthodontic. 3D technology creates images dentists can use to diagnose orthodontic problems and plan patient treatment. Implants. Allows dentists to gain a better understanding of a patient’s oral health so they can find the optimal placement for an implant. Schedule Your Next Exam at our Dental Office in Edmond, OK At Santa Fe Dental, we remain committed to always providing our patients with the latest and most advanced care possible. If you believe your oral health only deserves the best, then schedule your next exam and cleaning with our team and come experience for yourself the Santa Fe Dental difference.

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best dentist in Edmond, OK

What Every Patient Needs to Know About Wearing Dentures

You don’t become the best dentist in Edmond, OK without being able to help restore a patient’s smile back to health. For patients that have lost multiple teeth, dentures offer an affordable and lasting solution for repairing the long-term oral health of their smiles. While you might think that dentures look unnatural or phony, dentures today have come a long way, and now look just as realistic as your natural teeth. Not only do modern dentures look better than ever, they also fit more comfortably and are easier to wear. Our team at Santa Fe Dental know that patients have a lot of questions about getting dentures, and we wouldn’t be your choice for the best dentist in Edmond, OK if we didn’t answer them. So here’s what you need to know about getting dentures. What are dentures? Let’s start with the basics and clear up any misconception about what separates dentures from other replacement tooth options. Dentures sit inside the mouth and act as a replacement for missing teeth. Unlike a dental implant and attaching crown, dentures can and need to be removed for cleaning. When a patient has some natural teeth remaining, partial dentures can work to bridge the gap between teeth. When a patient has as no remaining teeth, a full set of dentures acts as a replacement so you can enjoy a smile that dazzles. Why should I consider dentures? Patients select dentures when they want to find a lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. As they grow older, many patients may start to lose permanent teeth due to the effects of gum disease, cavities, and even injury. Missing teeth can cause a variety of oral health problems. Not only does missing teeth make it harder to eat, drink, speak, and smile, the loss of permanent teeth can cause a cascade of other problems to develop. When a smile misses a few teeth, the gap that’s created can cause the neighboring teeth to shift to fill the space. This leads to teeth becoming crooked, which can then lead to the development of a misaligned bite that makes chewing uncomfortable. As teeth shift, the underlying bone structure that holds them into place also begins to deteriorate. This deterioration increases the risk of further tooth loss. So, not only do dentures help to plug an existing gap in a smile, they can also help to prevent further tooth loss. How do I get dentures? Getting dentures starts by making an appointment to see the best dentist in Edmond, OK at Santa Fe Dental. During your dentures consultation, our team will examine the current state of your oral health and make recommendations on the type of dentures best suited to meet your individual needs. Once the type of denture you’ll receive has been decided upon, our team will take an impression of your mouth. This impression will be used in the creation of your custom dentures. The placement of dentures can begin immediately for patients with no remaining natural teeth. For patients with teeth, our team may need to remove some of their teeth to make room for the placement of dentures. Don’t worry, we will always discuss the tooth removal process and whether it’s actually necessary with you before starting the procedure. After the mouth has been prepared and your dentures custom crafted, our team will provide your new replacement teeth with instructions on how to properly care and wear them. What should I expect after getting dentures? It can take some time getting used to wearing dentures. Fortunately, you don’t have to undergo the process alone. Our team at Santa Fe Dental will provide you with tips on how to best acclimate to wearing dentures. We will also provide you with recommendations on which foods to initially avoid and what types eat while breaking your dentures in. Once your dentures have been adjusted and properly fitted, you’ll soon forget your wearing dentures at all.

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emergency dentist in Edmond, Oklahoma

When to See an Emergency Dentist in Edmond

As an emergency dentist in Edmond, Oklahoma, our team at Santa Fe Dental understands that some dental problems just can’t wait until an appointment opens up on the schedule. That’s why we offer same day emergency dental appointments to patients who need immediate care. Of course, not every twinge of pain or uncomfortable bite means that you need to see an emergency dentist in Edmond, Oklahoma. Some types of oral health problems can cause discomfort but don’t require the need to seek immediate dental care. Being able to differentiate between what can wait and what needs immediate care can save you a lot of time and stress. Here are a few of the types of dental emergencies that require seeking immediate care. Knocked-Out Tooth Few things cause more stress and shock for a patient then a knocked out tooth. Visions of living life with a gap in their smile can leave many patients feeling anxious and overly concerned about repairing their tooth back to health. Fortunately, when quickly addressed with immediate care, a knocked out tooth can potentially be restored back to health. By following the steps below, the odds become very good that the tooth can be reinserted and preserved by an emergency dentist in Edmond, Oklahoma. Pick the tooth up by the crown (top). Take care not to touch the roots. Very gently rinse the tooth off to remove any dirt or debris. Do not scrub the tooth or use anything other than water to clean the tooth. If possible, place the tooth gently back into its socket. Only return the tooth after you have rinsed it off. If you can’t place the tooth back in its socket, put the tooth into a small container or in a cup of milk. Placing the tooth in milk will help to preserve the health of the tooth longer. Call our team at Santa Fe Dental immediately. The sooner you receive treatment, the more likely it can be restored back to health. Loose Tooth If after an accident you feel a tooth has become loose or knocked out of alignment, you need to call our team at Santa Fe Dental to schedule an emergency exam. Little separates a loose tooth from one that’s knocked out entirely. The longer you wait the more permanent damage can be done. If you have a tooth that’s been knocked out of alignment, you can try to push it back into position using your finger and very light pressure. Do not attempt to force your tooth back into place. You can bite down on the tooth to keep it from moving, but don’t do anything else to the tooth until seen by our team at Santa Fe Dental. Chipped, Cracked, or Broken Tooth A chipped tooth that causes you no discomfort doesn’t rank as a dental emergency and can wait to receive treatment for a few days. However, you need to take care while chewing so as to not damage the tooth any further. Our team at Santa Fe Dental may be able to smooth out a chipped tooth, or add composite material to repair the tooth. Conversely, a broken or cracked tooth constitutes a dental emergency and requires immediate care. When a tooth breaks or cracks, it indicates that damage likely occurred within the tooth as well as the outside. If a severe fracture occurs, many times the tooth cannot be saved. If you experience a cracked or broken tooth, you need to schedule an immediate appointment after following these steps: Clean out your mouth by gently rinsing with warm water. If the fracture was the result of a facial trauma, apply a cold compress to the affected area. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever Never apply a pain reliever directly to the gums as it can burn the gum tissue.   While we never hope that our patients suffer a dental emergency, know that the team at Santa Fe Dental is here to help if you do.

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Invisalign Santa Fe

5 Reasons Why Invisalign is Right for You

Studies have shown that a straight, healthy looking smile ranks as one of the biggest contributing factors to making a good first impression. One study – conducted by researchers at Leeds and Central Lancashire University – found that when shown 150 different images of men and women, participants selected the images of those with the most evenly spaced and whitest teeth as the most attractive. When delving into the results of their study, researchers concluded that teeth are the human equivalent of a peacock’s tail – a natural sign of health and attractiveness designed to help us select a mate For patients dealing with crooked, crowded or misaligned teeth, the state of their smile can often feel like a point of embarrassment. At Santa Fe Dental, we believe that no patient should feel self-conscious when smiling, laughing, eating or drinking. That’s why we offer Invisalign orthodontic treatment to help straighten and improve a patient’s smile. For many adult patients, the idea of wearing braces often conjures memories of their childhood. The thought of having a “metal mouth” as an adult creates a negative stigma that many older patients wish to avoid. However, with Invisalign orthodontic treatment, patients can get the healthier, straighter looking smile they desire quickly and discreetly. To see if Invisalign is right for you, let’s take a look at a few of the many advantages Invisalign has over traditional metal braces. Discreet Treatment Unlike traditional metal braces that use brackets and wires to straighten a patient’s teeth, Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners that blend naturally into your smile. Invisalign aligners look like a mouthguard you place over the surface of your teeth. Made from a highly durable and clear plastic, Invisalign patients can undergo their orthodontic plan discreetly with most people never knowing they undergoing treatment. If the idea of wearing metal braces keeps you from considering the orthodontic treatment you need to improve the long-term health of your smile, then Invisalign is the right option for you. Improved Comfort The metal brackets and wires that get affixed to the surface of a patient’s teeth can often cause some serious discomfort. Wires can break and bend, causing them to poke the delicate soft tissue of your cheeks and gums. Brackets can rub irritatingly against your lips and cheeks, causing frequent cuts and sores. Additionally, for metal braces to work properly, patients need to regularly visit their orthodontist to have their braces tighten and readjusted. Readjustments often cause patients to experience headaches and tooth and jaw pain for several hours or days after each orthodontist visit. Invisalign clear plastic aligners are custom-built to fit comfortably over your teeth. No wires, no bracket. No pitching, no irritation. That’s the Invisalign difference. Fewer Office Visits As we just mentioned, traditional braces require monthly trips to the orthodontist to ensure that treatment remains on the right course. With Invisalign, patients simply replace their current aligner with a new one every one to two weeks. This helps free up time in a busy schedule as the number of trips you need to make to our Santa Fe Dental office is significantly less than what patients with metal braces need to make to their orthodontist. Eat What You Want Patient who wear metal braces have a number of food items they must avoid. Since Invisalign aligners are removed before eating, you don’t have to make any changes to your diet. All of your favorite foods and drinks remain on the menu when you undergo Invisalign treatment. Improved Oral Health Patients with metal braces must use special tools and brushes to properly clean their teeth. As with eating, patients simply remove their aligner before brushing and flossing. Keeping your teeth clean through quality oral hygiene is incredibly important for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. With Invisalign, you can brush and floss like normal, and not worry about food and bacteria being trapped under or on your orthodontic appliance. Your Santa Fe Invisalign Dentist To find out more about whether Invisalign is right for you, contact our office to schedule your Invisalign consultation with the team at Santa Fe dental.

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